Ladies-Focused Training
![Ladies focused weapons and cwp training classes](/assets/images/ladies-concealed-weapons-permit-training.jpg)
Spoiler Alert!!! Women are different than men. It’s true. But different doesn’t mean substandard in-fact many times it means exceptional. Women are a precious human resource and Dynamic Response Solutions offers training catered specifically to bring unfamiliar concepts and relate them to women in a manner that is potentially different from their male counterparts. This training is about survival! It’s focused on the element of our families and society that is exponentially at greater risk to direct physical violence and battery crimes then men. It’s focused on providing information, options, and capabilities to American women exclusively in a comfortable learning environment.
Ladies-Focused Courses Include:
- DRS L101: Introduction to Situational Awareness and Behavioral Analysis
- DRS L102: Introduction to Firearms, Firearms Safety and CWP
- DRS L201: Fundamentals of Effective shooting, Personal Defensive Techniques, and the Feminine EDC Lifestyle
- DRS L202: Home Defense Planning, Protecting Children, and Alternative / Improvised Weapons
This training is ideal for individuals, friendship circles, or ladies groups of all types in any venue suitable to the client.
Join the Dynamic Response Solutions Ladies-Focused Training provided by our most experienced and considerate instructors.
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