About Dynamic Response Solutions

In the last two decades Active Shooter Events (ASE) have increased in frequency and intensity. In 2000 the FBI reported one ASE. However, in the last 20 years there has been 333 ASE with 2020 registering a record 40 in that year alone. While Active Shooter Awareness Training for individuals, schools, and businesses is certainly valuable, a stark reality remains; these catastrophes will continue to occur until the real issue is addressed – Public institutions and private businesses must enact response plans that enable a rapid and effectual response to an ASE. Using ineffective ASE programs such as the Department of Homeland Security’s “Run, Hide, Fight” continue to leave innocent people to be left susceptible as victims from a position of vulnerability.
What if there was an Active Shooter response concept that empowered people from a position of advantage? Enabling them to TAKE ACTION - reversing the mindset of an Active Shooter from predator to prey? There is just such a response model and it’s taught by Dynamic Response Solutions.
Barry Ramey and Seth Horrell are the founders of Dynamic Response Solutions, LLC and have been instrumental in the development of Active Shooter response programs for the US Military. As administrators, training cadre, and Program Managers they recognized that corporate America remains largely defenseless to the Active Shooter threat and is in dire need of just such a program. Furthermore, they understand that the Soldiers they trained to TAKE ACTION against Active Shooters routinely had no more preparatory training than most civilians. Additionally, they recognized that Active Shooter contingency training principles were not exclusive to the military office worker, training sergeant or mechanic, but was a modular concept well-suited for enabling businesses, houses of worship, and private citizens to protect their most precious resource - their employees, parishioners and family members.

An Act of Courage
Countering an Active Shooter or a violent threat requires an act of courage. It takes a deliberate act of courage to immediately respond to the origin of an attack and it takes superior training to do so effectively. Dynamic Response Solutions is in the business of providing professional instruction for those who would answer that call.
Who we are
Dynamic Response Solutions is a veteran founded, owned, and operated company of Protection Professionals specializing in providing public and private sector training to counter and prevent violence through a variety of awareness and preparedness techniques.
Our Philosophy
DRS trains our clients with strategies that prepare them to address potential violence from a perpetual Position of Advantage. This model centers on being honest about vulnerabilities to violence and deliberate with preparations to deal with it effectively. Dynamic Response Solutions Position of Advantage emphasizes:
- Reaction is not a strategy
- Facilitate assertive response
- Develop a set of options
Position of Advantage exposes the apathy and denial that is prevalent in society; then removes the victimization culture by instilling assertive, decisive, and intuitive decision-making to mitigate risk from violent threats. Read more…(link to last page)
Violence Preparedness Seminars
School / Corporate Training
- School Active Shooter Response Training
- Corporate Active Shooter Response Training
- Situational Awareness
- Behavioral Analysis
- De-Escalation
Church Safety Training
- Program Development
- SOP Validation
- Scenario Training
- Vulnerability Assessments
Personal Protection
- Modern Armed Citizen
- Church Safety
- Firearm Training and Certification
Recognizing the need for a new training paradigm
In the last two decades Active Shooter Events (ASE) have increased in frequency and intensity. In 2000 the FBI reported one ASE. However, in the last 20 years there has been 333 ASE with 2020 registering a record 40 in that year alone. While Active Shooter Awareness Training for individuals, schools, and businesses is certainly valuable, a stark reality remains; these catastrophes will continue to occur until the real issue is addressed – Public institutions and private businesses must enact response plans that enable a rapid and effectual response to an ASE. Using ineffective ASE programs such as the Department of Homeland Security’s “Run, Hide, Fight” continue to leave innocent people to be left susceptible as victims from a position of vulnerability.
What if there was an Active Shooter response concept that empowered people from a position of advantage? Enabling them to TAKE ACTION - reversing the mindset of an Active Shooter and turning them from predator to prey? There is just such a response model and it’s taught by Dynamic Response Solutions
The Backstory
As a training service-oriented company, DRS recognizes the necessity for citizens to live and work in safety. However, it is evident that law abiding Americans are at an increased risk of violence due to a variety of threats. Porous borders, gang activity, overworked and under-resourced law-enforcement agencies, elevated terrorist threats, the drug trade, and human trafficking exponentially increase the likelihood for violent encounters.
Violence is everywhere. Violent crimes are rising nationwide due to inconsistent or impotent enforcement of statutes, and there is also increased domestic violence, gang violence, violence in the workplace, violence directed at churches, schools, and in public places. There are many other categories including foreign and domestic terrorism, organized crime, and regrettably the list goes on.
In the last two decades Active Shooter Events (ASE) have increased in frequency and intensity. In 2000 the FBI reported one ASE. However, in the last 20 years there has been 333 ASE with 2020 registering a record 40 in that year alone. Since 1999 there have been close to 100 church members gunned down while at church! And this doesn’t include the wounded, the deaths of attackers or the countless lives destroyed from despair, drugs, alcohol, suicide, and other destructive coping mechanisms used to deal with the overwhelming grief. In 2021 for example, there were 2,552,446 violent crimes reported. 2,335,159 assaults, 584,913 burglaries, 554,618 vehicle thefts, 166,782 sex offenses, 121,103 robberies, and 15,249 homicides. And it’s important to remember that these were the offenses that were officially reported and cataloged. During this same period there were 61 active shooter events (a 53% increase over 2020 and a 99% increase from 2017) with 243 innocent people killed and wounded.
But you don’t have to be an analyst to recognize that America is not the same place as it was just a couple decades ago. The acts of violence perpetrated against innocent people are now so commonplace that people have become desensitized and indifferent to the plight of the victims. Of course, Americans as a societal group may be empathetic when they see these reports, but they are rarely personally incensed by the audacious evil these criminals commit. Furthermore, their indifference is evidenced by a reluctance to recognize the fact that the violence could affect them personally. However, there is a portion of society who recognize the severity of the threat, but simply don’t know how to address it. They are anxious, even fearful, but essentially choose to hope they will not have to confront this reality personally. Neither hope nor denial is a strategy. Dynamic Response Solutions is absolutely opposed to both indifference and inaction. This is why we have implemented proven methods of Situational Awareness, Behavioral Analysis, Anomaly Recognition, Deterrence and De-escalation to create a platform of Violence Preparedness that provides effective response options.
Dynamic Response Solutions addresses these issues in several ways. First, we analyze and describe the contemporary threats to our society, but more exclusively, the specific audience identified by our clients. Next, we prepare detailed threat assessments and offer recommendations for tailored protection options, training and instruction. Finally, DRS integrates opportunities for our clients to enhance their preparedness with a variety of scenario-based options that serve to cement the fundamental concepts provided in the training modules.
How We Are Different
Mission Statement: Dynamic Response Solutions is dedicated to providing training in effective options to detect, deter, and disrupt violence in order to protect innocent human life.
The premise of the DRS Mission Statement is that the world is a dangerous place where malicious people actively use violence to victimize innocent and unsuspecting citizens. These offenders are usually armed and are always prepared to initiate violence or the threat of deadly force. However, by effectively employing reason, using available facts to draw accurate conclusions, a potential victim can overcome initial reactionary emotions including anger, fear, prejudice and revenge to respond properly. It is the active implementation of purpose-oriented training that can leverage advantages to promote survivability.
Responding effectively in violent encounters requires intuitive responses. However, the human brain does not respond well instinctively. For example, when facing danger or high stress, the mind relies heavily on the limbic system (the fear center of the brain) to get through harrowing challenging situations. (This applies to aggressors as well.) When this region of the mind is engaged, there are several observable behaviors that show the individual is engaged in a fear or threat response. The majority of these behaviors cannot be controlled and most people are not aware that they are exhibiting them at the time. These behaviors are communicated through physiological responses, non-verbal communications, personal space, and how people interact with their immediate environment. Using these factors DRS trains students to recognize, categorize, and analyze these behaviors and make wise and timely decisions even in these stressful situations.
Dynamic Response Solutions’ Functional Training techniques make it possible to program effective and intuitive responses. Our training strategy integrates three specific types of training tasks to produce a training environment that can develop these effective intuitive responses.
Essential: These tasks are often seen as safety or basic actions foundational to responding under duress. Applied: These tasks are functional in nature. They are elements of a response and are necessary, in specific but not all, responses. Enhanced: These tasks are groups of Essential and Applied tasks that can become solutions to potential violent encounters.