Active School Shooting Response Training

real world event firearms training

Active Shooter Events (ASE) gain massive media coverage yet corporations and individuals still tend to be in denial that an Active Shooter situation could confront them. DRS offers training to counter the Active Shooter Threats. This course fundamentally helps people understand how to mentally and physically prepare for the unthinkable. This training has been carefully crafted to enable your staff to:

  • Understand the “mindset” they need to adopt to respond successfully
  • Develop a set of options that they will recall even in stressful situations
  • Gain the ability to be “Situationally Aware” in order to recognize unusual details
  • Employ “Behavioral Analysis” in order to respond before an attack happens
  • Treat life-threatening injuries in a timely manner with simple, yet effective training

This training is specifically tailored with the academic setting in mind, and addresses concerns associated with preparing the students to deal with an Active Shooter Event.

Contact Dynamic Response Solutions instructors to schedule active response training today!